Hello! My name is ikeepcalm
- Backend Java developer with flaming passion for Minecraft
- ...and acquired skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript (meh), Astro (♥), SQL, and C#.
GitHub →
Check out my projects and contributions.
Minecraft Server →
Did you know I run a Minecraft server? 🎮
Lumios Bot →
Your the only study-life companion you need (Telegram Bot).
Reach me out →
Come say hi! I'm always up for a chat.
Web Projects coincidentally hosted on the same domain:
- Web - Lr - 1 - Grid CSS layout
- Web - Lr - 2 - Grid CSS / Flexbox CSS / Plain layouts
- Web - Lr - 3 - E-mail layout / Phone adaptation
- Web - Lr - 4 - Web - Design implementation
- Web - Lr - 5 - Hello from JavaScript!
- Web - Lr - 6 - Fullstack with Java backend
Other Projects you may also be interested in
- KPI Programming Introduction - C and Java works
- KPI C# OOP - C# works | EPAM AutoCode
- KPI Algorithms Introduction - Java Algorithms
- KPI Algorithms Designing - Java Algorithms
Other things tend to have private access, cannot be shared. Sorry! Maybe they will be available in the future. For example, on SpigotMC, PolyMart or other platforms 🤭